Posts by Pastor Greg Rondeau (Page 31)

Calling evil what it is

I anxiously turned on the television and easily found what I was looking for; slain Officer Boyer’s memorial service.  The sanctuary was packed with mourners consisting of family, friends, and peace officers from around Southern California. One by one Officer Boyer’s loved ones took the pulpit, and offered forgiveness to their father’s killer. Their words…

Blog entry for January 2017

In light of all the political rhetoric spewed everywhere on social and television media, the following words of King Solomon stand alone in our day.  Proverbs 17:28 Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive. Thank you Lord for your simple yet perfect wisdom.…

The United States, A Nation Divided

As we know the 2016 Presidential election results are in. Although many seemed to be sure of a landslide win, that idea did not come to reality. Furthermore, offerings framed with predictions of the upcoming days have been abundant. That being said we would be wise to remove ourselves from the discussion of how close…

O Happy Day? Yes Happy Day!

Wow what an amazing election season we’ve had so far. I think we can all agree that it will probably get even more brutal as time goes on. Perhaps the current display might have been semi comical if the political chaos wasn’t so personal. Our presidential nominees are putting on a full display indicating that…

Simpler Times

What a great age we live in. The amazing accomplishments that we enjoy not only as Americans, but also as all people living in our current time. The Baby Boomer generation accomplishments seemed to begin with the promise, of our sitting president, to be the first nation to land on the Moon. Not only was…

Love My Neighbor?

Psalm 2   David writing from the midst of Israel, Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? A vain thing, plotting something that is empty or that will come to not.  2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against His…

Orlando Tragedy

In the aftermath of the Orlando tragedy, our first response here at CCJV is that our hearts break as we consider the carnage.  Next we are painfully reminded that the majority of the human race is existing in a misguided and even hopeless condition. Furthermore, we are forced to realize that often a life without…


As we reflect in the Old Testament, the ancient writings have shown us that Moses bowed before the ark and met with God. The ark at that time rested in a tent. As time moved on, the ark was housed in a Temple built by King Solomon. That first Temple was used by the Lord…