Posts from 2019 (Page 2)

CCJV Blessing Bags

You can make a difference this Christmas season! When you’re out and about shopping, why not stop in at the 99 cents store and pick up a few hygiene items for our “Blessing Bags”. Some of our ladies are putting these together for a few of the neighborhood seniors who are struggling. Thanks in advance!For…

Don’t forget our Christmas Boutique

The Women’s Ministry is hosting a Christmas Boutique on December 15.  We’re seeking donations of gently used and/or handcrafted items to sell.  You will be able to set up a table and keep the proceeds if you so desire!  We’ll also need volunteers to help set up, break down and decorate the boutique.  For more…

Help needed at CCJV

As usual, help is desperately needed in the Children’s Ministry for teachers and assistants. Please pray about it, and see Roseanne if you can be a part of this ministry.Also, Gary needs a few more Ushers. Talk to him if you can help!The Cleaning Ministry could use you if you have some free time…see Connie

Thanksgiving Dinner Tomorrow!

Greg & Connie Rondeau, along with Higher Desire Ministries will co-host a Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving Day, Nov 28th at 1 PM. The event is free, but would you please call the church office to let us know you’re coming? Also, please let us know if you can bring a dish to share. (951) 685-1180